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Essetial oil distiller

Essetial oil distiller


This equipment is made of pure T2 copper. It is a necessary equipment for extracting high-grade pure dew and essential oil.


This equipment is made of pure T2 copper. It is a necessary equipment for extracting high-grade pure dew and essential oil.
This equipment is composed of distillation pot, water separator, retort, condenser, oil-water separator and instrument valve. All parts in contact with materials are made of T2 red copper, which can saponify with acids, alcohols and lipids in flower materials, making the aroma of products softer and purer, without heavy metal or other unpleasant taste. The heating mode can be steam, open fire, electricity, etc., and it can also be equipped with automatic control system to control the temperature of heating and condensation. The equipment can also be used according to the different flower materials, select water or immersion distillation, improve the quality of pure dew and essential oil. Zhangda pure dew distillation equipment is your best choice to make high quality products!

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